The function of clutch one way bearing
  2021/12/28| View:978

1, clutch one way can ensure a smooth start of the car

After the engine starts, before the car starts, the driver steps down the clutch pedal, separates the clutch, disconnects the engine and the transmission system, and then hangs the transmission, and then gradually releases the clutch pedal, and the clutch one way bearing makes the clutch engage gradually. In the process of engagement, the engine blocked torque gradually increases, so should step on the accelerator pedal gradually at the same time, that is, gradually increase the fuel supply to the engine, so that the engine speed is always maintained at the lowest stable speed, but not flamed. At the same time, as a result of the clutch engagement degree gradually increased, the engine through the transmission system to drive the wheel torque will gradually increase, to the traction is enough to overcome the starting resistance, the car is from the rest of the movement and gradually accelerate.

The function of clutch one way bearing

2, the use of one-way clutch can achieve smooth shift

One way bearing manufacturer will tell you that in the process of car driving, in order to adapt to changing driving conditions, the transmission system often has to change different gears. To achieve gear transmission shift, the general is to dial the gear or other gear mechanism, so that the original gear with a gear pair out of the transmission, and then another gear pair into work. Before shifting, the clutch pedal must be stepped down to interrupt the power transmission, which is convenient to disengage the meshing pair in the original gear position, and at the same time, the speed of the meshing part of the meshing pair in the new gear position gradually tends to be synchronized, so that the impact when entering the meshing can be greatly reduced, and the smooth shift can be realized.

3, prevent transmission overload

With a one-way clutch, this hazard can be eliminated by relying on the possible relative movement between the active and the driven parts of the clutch.

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